Upholstery and Couches


We clean couches, chairs, any type of furniture.

Finding a cleaning service company that is in your Bakersfield area who does upholstery cleaning is easy to find but being able to find a company that does it to your satisfaction is what matters. That is why when you are in need of a cleaning service who does upholstery cleaning it is best to find a company who has a good reputation. In fact, just checking on a company’s reputation for cleaning may not be enough; you may have to do a further inquiry about their ability to clean a specific type of material that your upholstery is made of so that it will not be damaged. After all upholstery cleaning is not a simple job, and only an experienced cleaning company should handle your upholstery.

Phone: (661) 496-4226
Fax: (661) 412-8095
Mon-Fri: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Sat-Sun: 11:00 am – 4:00 pm
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